
API İsmiTipAuth AnahtarGörünürlükDurumVersiyonUygulamalar

Hesap Planları

Plan İsmiKotaHız Sınırı
Standart Plan
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Standart plan is the default Account Plan automatically assigned by the system to all new developers. With this plan you can only use a few APIs.

1000 istek / day10 calls / sec
Production Planı
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The Partner plan is meant to be assigned to partner organizations.

İlişkili API'lar

  • requestBulkCustomerInfo OKS 1
  • respondBulkCustomerInfo OKS 2
  • SOAP OKSServisi
30000 istek / day10 calls / sec

API Planları

Plan İsmiKotaHız SınırıKullanılabilirlik
Standart Çağrı Paketi
Daha fazla bilgi edinin
The Sandbox API plan provides an appropriate API service level for developers who are starting to build an application
1000 istek / day10 çağrılar / saniyedeN/A
Prod API Çağrı Paketi
Daha fazla bilgi edinin
The Production API plan provides an appropriate API service level for applications in production.
20000 istek / day100 çağrılar / saniyedeN/A
Bordro Şirketi API Çağrı Paketi200000 istek / dayHız limiti yokN/A